Welcome to the Governor's Office

Serving Montanans as our state's 25th governor is the honor of my life. Our team is committed to transforming state government to be more customer friendly, responsive, and good stewards of your money. I want to hear from you, so please send me your ideas, thoughts, and concerns. My door is always open. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me for anything.

Greg Gianforte
Governor of Montana
Governor Greg Gianforte and Lieutenant Governor Kristen Juras are conducting a comprehensive, top-to-bottom review of regulations across every state agency.
Revising, rolling back, and repealing unnecessary, burdensome regulations will help open Montana for business, grow our economy, increase access to greater opportunities, and create more good-paying Montana jobs.
We need your help to get the job done. Governor Gianforte and Lt. Governor Juras want to hear from you. Please send them your ideas and reach out to others for their ideas about red tape relief.